The Abkhazians / Абхазы
A handbook / Справочник

Edited by George Hewitt / Под ред. Дж. Хьюитта
Published 2013 Routledge Taylor & Francis Croup
First published in 1999 by Curzon Press / Лондон - Нью-Йорк, 2013 (первая публикация - 1999)
288 c.
На английском языке
- Preface
- Introduction George Hewitt
- 1. Geography and the environment Roman Dbar
- 2. Origin of the Abkhazian people Vjacheslav Chirikba
- 3. Оn the track of Abkhazia's antiquity Giorgij Shamba
- 4. History: flrst-18th centuries Oleg Bgazhba
- 5. History: 18th century-1917 Stanislav Lakoba
- 6. History: 1917-1989 Stanislav Lakoba
- 7. Soviet Abkhazia 1989: a personal account Viktor Popkov
- 8. History: the modern period Jurii Anchabadze
- 9. Military aspects of the war: the battle for Gagra Dodge Billingsley
- 10. The economy: traditional & modern Daur Bargandzhla
- 11. Language George Hewitt
- 12. Literature & linguistic politics Vasilij Avidzba
- 14. Religion Rachel Clogg
- 15. Demography Daniel Miiller
- 16. Ethnic culture Jurij Anchabadze
- Further Reading
- References & general bibliography
- Appendix 1: Constitution of the Abkhazian Peoples Soviet
- Appendix 2: Draft Treaty
- Appendix 3: Moscow Agreement
- Appendix 4: Quadripartite Agreement on Refugees
- Appendix 5: Abkhaz proverbs
- Contributors
- Notes
- Index
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